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更新時間:2016-12-21 16:51:14 點擊次數(shù):1514次

濟(jì)南不銹鋼雕塑的總平面設(shè)計,不是城市雕塑創(chuàng)作的最后一個工序,相反它應(yīng)在創(chuàng)作之初進(jìn)行。不同的總體環(huán)境對雕塑創(chuàng)作的制約是很明顯的,它影響著造型、動勢及體量。本次小編就跟您嘮嘮山東不銹鋼雕塑的幾點布局方式。 The general plane design of Ji'nan stainless steel sculpture is not the last process of city sculpture creation. Constraints of the overall environments on the creation of sculpture is very obvious, it affects the shape, force and volume. This small you are going on with some Shandong stainless steel sculpture layout.

1.中心式:山東不銹鋼雕塑處于環(huán)境包圍之中,具有全方位的觀賞視角,在總平面設(shè)計時各方位應(yīng)給予同等的條件,雕像造型應(yīng)考慮各方面等同的人流特點。Center: Shandong is surrounded by stainless steel sculpture, with a full range of viewing angle, the total graphic design in each direction should be given the same conditions, people should consider the characteristics of other statues equivalent.

2.丁字式:濟(jì)南不銹鋼雕塑可以有明顯的方向性,總平面設(shè)計以前面180°方位為其處理重點,也是組織人流提供逗留地段的重點,氣勢比較宏偉、莊重。T type: Ji'nan stainless steel sculpture can have a clear direction, the total plane design in front of 180 degrees for the processing, also provide lots of key organizing people stay, grand and solemn style.

3.通過式:山東不銹鋼雕塑處于人流線路的一側(cè),雖然也是180°觀賞方位,但不如丁字式顯得端莊,較多用于小型裝飾性雕塑,如為某特定的紀(jì)念地設(shè)置雕像,此時總平面的處理就應(yīng)為雕塑提供一個較開闊的展示地段和觀賞地段。By type: stainless steel sculpture in Shandong side flow lines, although is 180 degree range but not T type ornamental, appear dignified, are mostly used for small decorative sculpture, such as for a specific set of commemorative statue, this plan should be processed to provide a more open display of lots and lots for ornamental sculpture.

4.街心式:濟(jì)南不銹鋼雕塑處于一個縱向發(fā)展的地段,人流從兩個旁側(cè)通過,這種方式多為裝飾性的城市雕塑或小型噴水池雕塑。Ji'nan Street: stainless steel sculpture is in a longitudinal development area, people from the two side through this way for city sculpture or small decorative sculpture fountain.

5.對位式:山東不銹鋼雕塑多從屬于一個建筑或建筑群,并用建筑平面與休量構(gòu)圖的軸線控制雕塑的平面布置,它可以運(yùn)用主軸線布置一組雕塑,也可以運(yùn)用兩對稱的副軸線,采取對稱形式布置兩組雕塑,此種布置方式格局比較嚴(yán)謹(jǐn),多用于紀(jì)念性和主題性雕塑。Counterpoint: Shandong stainless steel sculpture from belonging to a building or buildings, layout and architectural plane and Hugh volume composition control axis sculpture, it can use the principal axis of a group of sculptures, can also use the two symmetrical side axis, take the symmetrical layout form two group sculpture, this kind of arrangement patterns for more rigorous, memorial and theme sculpture.

6.自由式:濟(jì)南不銹鋼雕塑在環(huán)境中不拘一格自由擇地。在空曠的綠化環(huán)墳中布置更為自由,在建筑環(huán)境中應(yīng)講求空間構(gòu)圖的均衡。Freestyle: Ji'nan stainless steel sculpture in the environment of free choice of not sticking to formalities. In the open green ring tomb layout more freedom, in the architectural environment should emphasize the balance of space composition.

7.綜合式:在獨(dú)立開辟的地段上布置大型多層次雕塑群,往往采取縱深的總體布局,運(yùn)用上述各種布置方式,形成特定的建筑藝術(shù)氣氛或莊嚴(yán)肅穆或生豐富。Comprehensive type: in the open area on the layout of large-scale independent multi-level sculpture group, often take the depth of the overall layout, using the various layout, form specific architectural art atmosphere or solemn or rich.

關(guān)于濟(jì)南不銹鋼雕塑的幾點布局方式,今天就給您介紹到這里。Ji'nan stainless steel sculpture on the layout of several ways to introduce you to here today.

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